
5 Best 3D Pen for kids: Affordable and Safe

Is your child creative and a technology whizz? If yes, there is no better gift than a 3D pen to provide direction to your childhood imagination. For just a few dollars, you can buy the best 3D pen for kids. While many may think that the 3D pens have no use, this isn’t the case at all.

There is a lot of things one can do with the help of 3D pens for kids. One can even design science and other projects with the help of 3D pens. It can also be used for making designer vases, lamps and much more. If your kid can think out of the box, he or she can do wonders.

These 3D pens even help parents connect with their kids while having fun together. Because of its plethora of applications and use, these compact and small devices have become popular among every age group. However, not all 3D pens can be given to kids.

These pens may heat up above a certain range, unsafe for children. Or, there could be some difficulty in operating these pens with a lot more settings that children may not find friendly. There could be many things that may get your child in trouble. So, if you are looking for a 3D pen, you must know which brand to go with.

Although there are various brands, not all of these companies have included enough safety features favorable for kids to work with 3D pens. The good news is, there still are companies that especially design 3D pens taking every safety detail into consideration when it comes to including kids in the customer’s list. This helps you stay worry-free when your child is playing with the 3D pen.

Must-Have Features in the Best 3D Pen for Kids

As we have already discussed before, there are certain features that must be included in a 3D pen that is supposed to be designed for kids. If you are looking for a 3D pen for your child’s birthday, you must ensure that these features are available with the choice you have made.

Apart from the technical specifications, one must take care of other parameters too when looking for the best 3D pen for kids.

Safety: Sometimes, 3D pens get too hot and can cause burns. These 3D pens are even impossible to hold with naked hands. In such cases, when a child isn’t too trained or not adult enough to care for the safety precautions, these pens may lead to injuries.

Hence, there must be temperature control features provided with the 3D pens designed for kids. Also, the filament that these devices use must settle soon enough to avoid kids touching the melted plastic that may cause burns.

Price: Definitely, you must be thinking about it. Could you decide to gift a gadget to your kid’s worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars? You may never be able to take that step if your child is still too young to be playing around with such expensive devices.

The question would certainly arise: How much is a 3D pen? 3D pens aren’t very expensive. You can get one for even less than $50. Although there are expensive options and you can choose if you wish, you can also limit your budget depending on your kid’s age and need.

Easy to Handle: If your kid is young, you would not want your kid to get confused with so many settings to take care of. Sometimes, a 3D pen has too many buttons and it becomes difficult for kids to manage those settings all by themselves.

If your kid is smart enough and isn’t too young, you can still forget about this feature, but it still stays one of the important parameters when judging the best 3D pen for kids.

Lightweight: It must be easy to hold for long. If a 3D pen isn’t lightweight, it won’t be comfortable to hold them for longer. Especially for kids, it would be very hectic to carry such a device and draw using it for even a few minutes. A 3D pen must be lightweight.

Attractive Design: Yet again, this feature may not be crucial from the adult perspective, it is very crucial for kids. Kids love vibrant colors and attractive designs. A first impression must never go wrong. And, kids can take that too seriously.

List of Best 3D Pens for Kids

Finally, it is time to check out some of the best choices when buying a 3D pen for your kid. Among so many different options, here is a list of few of the amazing choices that would certainly woo your kids with its design and amazing features.w

QCreate 3D Pen

QCreate 3D Pen

This one is the first on the list. The reason that it is environment-friendly makes it a great choice for anyone who likes to 3D draw using 3D pens. QCreate 3D Pen works with standard 1.75mm PCL plastic filaments. And, it is completely safe for humans. Because of the low melting point, the material is melted at a lower temperature, hence, keeping kids safe during its use. The inside of the pen has a melting point of up to 80 degrees Celsius and the nozzle temperature is 40 degrees Celsius.

To keep the operation easy and smooth, the 3D pen has included one key operation. It is this feature that makes the 3D pen convenient to use for kids. One can start drawing using just one button. Instead of making things cumbersome, the company has settled for a simple yet impressive design.

The LED lights add to the convenience even further. It indicates the temperature and power. Moreover, the temperature and speed can be controlled as per the usage. Not just that, the 3D pen sleeps all by itself when not in use for 2 minutes.

It is compact and you can carry it wherever you want. The best part about this 3D pen is that it comes with automatic and manual modes. One can easily switch between these modes to have a hassle-free experience. It supports ABS and PLA filament. The 3D pen is available in different colors: Black, Yellow, Red, Pink, Blue. It will cost $79.



After looking at the bulky shape, one can consider this 3D pen a massive option for kids. However, it is not. The 3D pen is slender in the middle which makes it easy to hold. And, the curves on the ends give the device an astonishing look, not just the boring look of a pen. With a lot of amazing features, this 3D pen is surely good news for even a 5-year-old kid. It comes with 8 levels of speed control and the temperature can be adjusted as per need.

Although the 3D pen operates at a little bit high temperature making the nozzle unsuitable for touch, the 2-finger protector which covers the index finger and thumb makes it safe for kids to use. However, it is recommended to let your kids use this 3D pen under supervision, especially when the kid is below 8 years.

The 3D Pen has an OLED display that looks stunning. It shows the type of filament (ABS or PLA) and temperature reading. You can charge the 3D pen using USB cable and the power bank. You also get one year of warranty.

Apart from the various advantages it offers, the 3D pen has got some limitations too. The sleep mode works fast and is cumbersome for some while operating the device. Even the withdraw button isn’t automatic. So, kids can find it hectic too.

But if you listen to the customer reviews, you will like this pen a lot. There are many great feedbacks from those who have already used this 3D pen. It costs $40.

AtmosFlare 3D Pen Set

AtmosFlare 3D Pen Set

The design of the AtmosFlare 3D Pen Set is something that attracts most of the users. Unlike other 3D pens on the list, this choice is quite bulky, yet comfortable to use. This is mainly because of its wireless features. When other 3D pens need to be connected with the power source, this 3D pen can be used without a wire.

The 3D pen runs on batteries. You can keep spare batteries too. Carrying it anywhere is easier. With a wireless option, you have complete freedom to carry your device wherever you go, keeping the spare batteries alongside.

The pen uses new technology for curing ink. The gel resin is used in this 3D pen which hardens as soon as it comes out. Even if your kids touch the material right after it is dispensed out of the 3D pen, it won’t cause any problem. Cleaning the device is also easy. Using a hand sanitizer, you can clean the nozzle for any residue left.

You would be amazed to know that the material sticks to any surface. So, you can work on wood, paper, plastic or any other surface and forget about the worries of surface finish and failed prints.

It may come as a challenge for beginners, however, slowly, you can learn a lot about operating the device to create awesome designs. It only costs $13.

Scribbler 3D Printing Pen V3


You can work with the Scribbler 3D Printing Pen V3 for the most awesome experience. Not just the design but the performance is also breath-taking. Being free of metallic parts, the design is very lightweight and easy for kids to handle.

The nozzle can be removed and is made of ceramics. To ensure safety, heat resistant plastic is used to cover the heating element. To further increase safety, auto standby mode is included in the feature’s list. After leaving the pen idle for 90 seconds, you can expect it to shut automatically.

You get a large OLED screen. You can check mode, speed, and temperature on this display and avoid being getting confused when setting the parameters. The temperature and speed can be changed and set to different readings.

The good news is that you can work with a variety of materials such as wood, PLA, copper, bronze, and a lot others. For kids, there are different colors available. Hence, you can impress your child with this little surprise, keeping the favorite color in mind.

3D Pen DIY Original by Myriwell


If you have been trying to choose a 3D pen, you must have heard about Myriwell. This being one of the most trusted brands in the 3D pen niche, it has been able to receive huge popularity among users.

With very much simplified operation, kids can use it conveniently to create beautiful and fun designs. Kids can also control the temperature and speed settings. With light indicator included on the 3D pen, one can easily know if the 3D pen is on or not.

The plastic that is extruded cools quickly. Your kids can draw freehand with this amazing device. Not just kids, but this 3D pen satisfies the aim of artists, professionals, and enthusiasts as well.

The Conclusion

A 3D pen has made its place within users from different age groups and niche. There are many devices from various brands that are released every now and then. This has made choosing the right 3D pen tremendously difficult. And, looking for a device that works with heated plastic is even more challenging.

So, getting to know the technology better would help you better decide for your kids. You can check the options that are safe and can be a boom for your children’s growth. Giving them a broader space for progress and development would make them competitive analytically.

Also, this fun device could help family members to spend time together and increase their bonds when playing with 3D pens. So, why not choose the best 3D pen for kids referring to the list above. Not only these 3D pens are affordable but highly useful.

Either it’s the performance or the design, these options won’t give you a reason to dislike them. Get what is best for your kids and let them explore the depth of technology and its various shades.

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