MakerGear Ultra One 3D Printer
Hobbyists would find the printer less affordable only if they are very budget-oriented. If they will be looking at the larger picture, they can focus on things like the quality of parts and functional prototypes that can be printed with the 3D printer, that’s when they will find the cost-justified. The first feature that differentiates this printer from its competitors is its gantry system which is composed of X and Y.
The second most intriguing feature of the printer is the touch probe leveling that will assist you whenever you are willing to do manual leveling. The dual extrusion system which is probably the benchmark of the company’s many achievements it has earned during is a journey is present in this printer too.
BVOH and HIPS are the materials that the company recommends you to use while printing complex shapes and geometries. There is an LCD screen for operating the printer, the USB cord for connecting to the printer. Overall, it’s a printer that intermediates are going to strive to achieve, professionals of the 3D printing would find it in their budget. The slicer software is a factor where simplicity and non-technicality offered by the manufacturer will steal the show.
Specification: MakerGear Ultra One 3D Printer
- Closed build-up
- Intelligent dual extruders
- Camera monitoring
- Touch probe automatic leveling
- Touch screen interface.
- Solid build plate that can withstand high temperatures
- The price of the printer is very much compared to printers in the same range offering similar features