RepRapGuru DIY Prusa i3 V2 3D Printer
Open frame design and sturdy look, the printer is there to impress you with looks and with features too. Easy to keep an eye on, while the print of parts and functional prototype occurs, RepRap Guru Prus i3V2 is flexible when it comes to choosing the materials. You can use the holster to hang the filament spool, this would increase your work area even more. The printer’s great heating bed is there to make sure there is very little warping.
There is an SD card on the body of the printer, this would enable you to upload designs on the printer without hardwiring. Manufacturers of the printer have kept the firmware open, makers, enthusiasts apply your theories and try converting them for real.
The print quality of the printer is par excellence, the speed that it offers while printing parts and functional prototypes is considerable. The printer makes it a complete package for home use and makers as well as hobbyists. All the complex geometries that you wish to create with intricate detailing and variety of filaments can be created using this printer. It’s slicing software is just as user-friendly as any other feature of the 3D printer looks like reading the description.
Specification: RepRapGuru DIY Prusa i3 V2 3D Printer
- It is affordable
- Heated build plate
- Amazing customer support
- Great print quality
- Assembling required
- Manual calibration