Admatec ADMAFLEX 300 3D Printer
Manufactured by a company based in the Netherlands, the printer is an epitome of manufacturing high-quality 3D printed parts and functional prototypes in the field of ceramic 3D printing. This printer utilizes the DLP technology in which a light source is used to cure objects. Knowing the logic that the more wavelength the light source has, the finer quality of products can be manufactured, the manufacturer of the printer uses a solid light source.
The printer allows you to print with various types of thermoplastic such as ABS, PLA, etc. Released in 2019, this printer solves the problem of speedy printing by maintaining high quality in the objects that are to be printed.
Overall, your images are going to be put in the reality and you will be able to not only see them but also use them in various applications. If you are an industrialist, this printer should be your go-to because it will let you create more and more objects of huge build volume and mass produce them continuously. The printer also lets you print giving out the minimum number of layer thickness that you can ever imagine, so when a part or functional prototype will come out of it, you would not be able to see its layers.
Specification: Admatec ADMAFLEX 300 3D Printer
- You can produce large components.
- Quickly switch materials.
- You can custom your needs.
- The machine has increased efficiency.
- For those who haven’t used DLP printing technology, the cost of this printer may seem very high.